2015 Family Events


Civic Holiday Barbecue- August 3,2015

What is there to do on a civic holiday? Have a barbecue, of course! This past Monday, we gathered staff, volunteers and families of GPS together to have a barbecue and picnic. Apart from eating all the delicious food that was there, we played games and took part in other fun activities.

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Ontario Science Centre- July 10, 2015

During the month of July, families, staff and volunteers took a trip to the Ontario Science Centre. We had a chance to explore and learn about many topics such as birds and their wingspans. And what's better than sliding down a slide? Sliding down a slide made out of a tree!

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Strawberry Picking- July 10, 2015

This past month, we went strawberry picking at Whittamore's Farm. As you can see, our staff, volunteers and children were able to pick quite a lot of strawberries! Strawberry jam anyone?

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